Reefer MEDness

Reefer MEDness

E121 - Akeem Gardner - Canurta

April 02, 2024

Akeem Gardner and his team at Canurta are delving deep into the hidden corners of the cannabis plant. They want to know if we extract this cannflavin, this terpene, this cannabinoid, or one of the other thousands of molecules in the cannabis plant, can it treat a disease? Last year at CannMed 23, he talked to us about how cannflavins could be used to treat a particularly nasty brain tumour called glioblastoma. Since then, Akeem has hit the road and brought the gospel of cannabis plant medicine to conferences and other canna-curious folks across North America, Europe, and as far away as the United Arab Emirates.

This year Team Canurta is looking at neurodegenerative diseases like ALS and even aging itself. They are using artificial intelligence to help screen where in the cannabis plant to focus their research. They are partnering with Universities to get academic papers turned into potential treatments. Akeem is one of the featured speakers at CannMed 24 again this year. We’d love to see you in Florida at CannMed 24 in person, and here is a preview of Akeem’s presentation!

Canurta -

Akeem Gardner - LinkedIn

Music by:

Dead Bob - White Stone Eyes -YouTube

(Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

Additional Music:

Desiree Dorion

Marc Clement - Facebook

Transcripts, papers and so much more at:
