Reefer MEDness

Reefer MEDness

E116 – The Cannabis Cancer Connection with Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich

December 05, 2023

In this episode, Kirk and Trevor review “The Cannabis Cancer Connection” by Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich. Dr. Joe is a cardiologist who, in his retirement, became a self-descripted “cannabis oncologist”. He now applies pre-clinical cannabis research and his years of expertise and patient experience to his clinical cannabis practice. In his book, Dr. Joe discusses the “Art” of practicing medicine within an evidence-based system. He discusses the limitations of the available science behind medicinal cannabis, while at the same time challenging the medical system to recognize the plant’s potential. He has had successes and failures using cannabis as a therapeutic in cancer care and offers a balanced view of both. This book offers a good introduction to both cannabis and cancer, and will help individuals and families to better understand how cannabis can help those suffering from the disease. Dr. Joe also takes the reader deeper by applying the available knowledge and connecting it to his clinical practice making this a valuable resource to those practicing in the field of oncology.

Dr. Joe Goldstrich - The Cannabis Cancer Connection Amazon

And although it had nothing to do with our discussion, but it is immensely cool that Dr. Joe was in the hospital when JFK was being treated post-Dealey Plaza. He is even in a documentary about that! - JFK: What the Doctors Saw (Amazon)

Music by:

John Lennon - Imagine - YouTube

Additional Music:

Desiree Dorion

Marc Clement - Facebook

Transcripts, papers and so much more at:
