Reduced Shakespeare Company Podcast

Reduced Shakespeare Company Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 523. More Sam Williams
December 19, 2016

Our friend Sam Williams of the Flying Karamazov Brothers (right) died suddenly in November 2016, and we had just had the pleasure of seeing him and recording a lengthy conversation in which Sam talked about his work and adventures juggling and … Contin...

Episode 522. Doing Chinese Laundry
December 12, 2016

You’d think it’d be easy to do show laundry in China, right? Not particularly. One of the regular challenges of touring got slightly more challenging last week as the two washer-dryer combos got a little persnickety.

Episode 521. Reviewing Shanghai Disney
December 05, 2016

As foretold in last week’s episode, we spent a day at Shanghai Disney, the recently opened newest addition to the Disney family of theme parks, and this week we discuss the park’s highs and lows. Featuring general excitement and a … Continue reading →

Episode 520. The Three Eccentrics
November 28, 2016

The Eight Eccentrics of Tianqiao stand outside the Tianqiao Performing Arts Center in Beijing, where we performed last weekend. Or at least their statues do. They represent eight comic street performers who “made greatly contributions to China’s nation...

Episode 519. Remembering Sam Williams
November 21, 2016

We were devastated to learn our friend Sam Williams of the Flying Karamazov Brothers (right) died last Friday night. We had only recently just spent time with him, recorded a podcast with him, and were looking forward to our next visit.

518. Actor Jo Bending
November 14, 2016

Joanna Bending is a RADA-trained character actor who specializes (at least recently) in playing multiple roles in single plays. Our paths have crossed multiple times so it was fun to chat with her about her background, her training,

Episode 517. Flying Karamazov Brothers
November 07, 2016

The Flying Karamazov Brothers are the legendary band of jugglers and comedians, founded in 1973 by Paul Magid and Howard Patterson, who started performing at ren faires and busking in Santa Cruz before touring internationally and performing on Broadway...

Episode 516. The Q Brothers
October 31, 2016

The Q Brothers are the creators of Othello: The Remix, now in previews off-Broadway, as well as their previous off-Broadway hit The Bombitty of Errors and other hip-hop interpretations of Shakespeare. GQ and JQ chat about their process of reinvention,

Episode 515. Baby Wants Candy
October 24, 2016

Baby Wants Candy creates a completely improvised musical at every performance based on a single audience suggestion, and Tim Sniffen is one of its featured players in addition to being a playwright and parodist.

Episode 514. Streamlining ‘Julius Caesar’
October 16, 2016

Chicago’s Writers Theatre opened its first full season in its award-winning new performance space with a glorious and timely production of Julius Caesar. Actor, co-director, and adaptor Scott Parkinson discusses the process of streamlining this classic...