Red on Black Productions: The Creators

Red on Black Productions: The Creators

Latest Episodes

Writing for games
November 18, 2012

This week’s hangout on air focused on how to write for games with host and writer/ director, Heather Taylor, and special guest Steve Ince, who co-wrote Broken Sword " The Sleeping Dragon.

Marketing and PR for Creatives
October 18, 2012

This episode focuses on PR and Marketing for creatives with host and writer/ director, Heather Taylor, and co-host Sara Bynoe, creator of Teen Angst Teen Angst show/website/book, and "Say Wha?!"

Balancing Act: How to balance work and life as you build up your creative career
October 08, 2012

Learn how to balance a day job and a life as you work in the creative fields with host and writer/ director, Heather Taylor, and co-host Sara Bynoe, creator of Teen Angst Teen Angst show/website/book, and "Say Wha?!"