Redefine – A Social Enterprise Podcast

Redefine – A Social Enterprise Podcast

Disappointment – The Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook – MVP’s — TRP002 

October 13, 2015

Disappointment seems to be in the air in the 2nd episode of The Redefine Podcast, let's hope that doesn't extend to our listeners!

Redefinition of the Week: 

A certain British Media Outlet is redefined as "Disappointment".

Social Enterprise Hero of the Week:

Joshua's Hero of the Week:

Ian C. MacMillan & James D. Thompson, Co-authors of The Social Entrepreneur's Playbook. Joshua discusses the half read book and some comparisons to Lean methodologies.

Richard's Hero of the Week:

"Social Entrepreneurship" as a whole for the comparatively positive proportion of women in leadership positions in social enterprises and social businesses vs. solely for profit SME's and FTSE companies.

Main Discussions: 

* Why twitter is a thing
* Media Bias
* Minimal Viable Products and how they relate to social outcomes & even podcasts.