Redeemed and Restored with Athena Dean Holtz

An easier way to read the Bible with Karen Moderow
Welcome to today’s episode of the All Things podcast. I am excited to introduce to you Redemption Press Author, Karen Moderow. She has just completed the second book in her, Bible Companion Series. This bite-sized chapter-by-chapter compilation explores ancient biblical history through relevant storytelling and compelling questions. Book 1 covers Genesis and Exodus, and Book 2 covers Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
Karen Westbrook Moderow’s The Bible Companion Series offers readers fresh insight into God’s Word. For twenty-five years, Karen taught regularly at Bible and Breakfast, a large interdenominational Bible Study. Her creative writing masters (Chapman University, 2015) and theology masters in arts (Fuller Theological Seminary, 2017) give her a storyteller’s perspective of Scripture. Karen has been married to Joe, her dearest friend and “keeper of her solitude,” for more than fifty years.
In Genesis and Exodus, God revealed Himself as a loving Creator who longs to know you. Book 2 shows us the lengths to which God goes to be part of our everyday lives. Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are filled with unfamiliar rituals and symbols, but The Bible Companion will help you see how these books lay a foundation for relating to God and others. If you want to know what God is like and what matters to Him, if you question His care for you and our world, if you wonder how God’s Word can change your life, the books of the Law will speak to you.
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Karen Westbrook Moderow, Karen Moderow, Christian faith, Christian authors, christian publishing, christian publisher, Athena Dean Holtz, bible studies, easy bible study,
The post An easier way to read the Bible with Karen Moderow is from Redemption Press - Christian Book Publisher and Bookseller.