Redeemed and Restored with Athena Dean Holtz

Readings for Lent and Easter with Kristin Saatzer
Welcome to today’s episode of the All Things podcast. I am excited to introduce Redemption Press Author, Kristin Saatzer and her new book, Hear the Savior: Readings for Lent and Easter Based on the Words of Jesus.
Kristin Saatzer is an author, blogger, and public speaker whose ministry is called Purposeful Encouragement. A ministry that encourages others to live on purpose and for a purpose. Her first book is called Savor the Savior: Twenty-Five Devotions for Advent and Christmas Inspired by the Names of Jesus. Kristin writes on the topics of spiritual growth, living with intention and purpose, and her personal joys and struggles (among others) on As an “amateur theologian,” she is passionate about researching theology and uncovering the layers of the Bible and its history.
Kristin and her husband, Dan, live in Southern California and have four grown sons and one daughter-in-law.
Connect with Kristin:
Instagram: @kmysaatzer
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Kristin Saatzer, Christian authors, christian publishing, christian publisher, Athena Dean Holtz, Christian podcasting, start a podcast for christians,
The post Readings for Lent and Easter with Kristin Saatzer is from Redemption Press - Christian Book Publisher and Bookseller.