Redeemed and Restored with Athena Dean Holtz

Together for a Purpose with Dr. Geoffrey Ross and Athena Dean Holtz
Welcome to today’s episode of the All Things podcast. I am excited to introduce to you our new book, “Together for Purpose.” Written by my Husband, Dr. Geoffrey Ross Holtz and I. A unique story of two seasoned travelers who find each other and marry later in life is told from two viewpoints with openness and candor.
Dr. Geoffrey Ross Holtz was the founding and senior pastor of The Summit, Enumclaw, Washington. He holds a Masters of Religious Studies, a Doctor of Ministries, and a Doctor of Divinity degree from Columbia Evangelical Seminary, is ordained with the Evangelical Free Church of America and was named Pastor of the Year in 2014 by the National Coalition of Ministries to Men (NCMM). He is the author of Are You in the Game or in the Way? A Question for Pastors and Men’s Ministry Leaders.
The life story of Athena Dean Holtz is a tale of a search for affirmation, meaning, and significance that trapped her in spiritual deception and caused her to lose everything she had. Out of the great loss of her marriage, family relationships, home, her reputation, and a twenty-year career in publishing after thirteen years in a toxic and restrictive cult, has come great restoration.
Athena Dean Holtz now uses her growing and multi-faceted platform to encourage and uplift others through sharing the faithfulness of God. Her turnaround story continues. The founder and publisher of the hybrid Redemption Press, Athena was recently named Publisher of the Year (2022) by the Soul Café Awards, Best Female Podcast Host of the Year (2021) by the national Spark Media Conference, and Redemption Press was named a 2021 Best Christian Workplace by the Best Workplaces Institute. Her All Things Podcast uses Romans 8:28 as a theme and her memoir, Full Circle: Coming Home to the Faithfulness of God, continues to resonate with and inspire readers. The acclaimed She Writes for Him virtual events birthed during the pandemic continue to connect, inform, and inspire writers globally with training and community.
Grab a copy here: Amazon – Together for a Purpose
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Christian marriage, Christian marriage books, christian dating, Christian authors, christian publishing, christian publisher, Athena Dean Holtz, writing tips for christians, Ross Holtz
The post Together for a Purpose with Dr. Geoffrey Ross and Athena Dean Holtz is from Redemption Press - Christian Book Publisher and Bookseller.