Redeemed and Restored with Athena Dean Holtz

Reignite Your Leadership Heart with Ann Griffiths
Welcome to today’s episode of the All Things podcast. I am excited to introduce to you Redemption Press Author, Ann Griffiths and her new book, Reignite Your Leadership Heart.
Ann Griffiths has strong leadership insight and a passion to impact future generations. She has extensive education and experience as a coach/mentor, and as a business and ministry leader. She is also an accomplished drummer and currently serves as ministry director at her church in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, where she and her husband live. They have two children, four adult grandchildren, and in-loves who’ve been added to the family along the way. Ann is the author of A Mentor’s Fingerprint: Leave a Mark. Make a Difference; Grandma’s Fingerprint: Love a Child. Change a Life and now her latest book Reignite Your Leadership Heart: Inspiring women to Unleash their Full Potential.
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Ann Griffiths, Christian authors, christian publishing, christian publisher, Athena Dean Holtz, christian family devotionals, christian family, christian leadership
The post Reignite Your Leadership Heart with <strong>Ann Griffiths</strong> is from Redemption Press - Christian Book Publisher and Bookseller.