Redeemed and Restored with Athena Dean Holtz

Redeemed and Restored with Athena Dean Holtz

Overcoming the Spirit of Rejection with Shelly Brown Pt 2

December 17, 2021
Shelly brown

Part 2 - Overcoming the Spirit of Rejection with Shelly Brown

Part 2 – Tune in for part two on Redeemed & Restored with my dearest friend, Shelly Brown. You’re going to hear how the door was opened for the enemy to plant the seed of rejection in the early years of her life, and how the spirit of rejection ruled her life for decades, and how God delivered her and set her free!

She shares the steps to how God set her free:

Scripture: Matthew 5:44, John 8:32, 2 Corinthians 3:17

Additional Resources:

Athena’s Book:

Would love for you to join me over on FB where every Tuesday at 3PM PST I go LIVE to talk about things that truly matter. Click here to join me …

I’m currently accepting invitations to speak in 2022 anywhere around the country at your church, ladies’ event or group. Visit for more details.


Redeemed & Restored, set free in Jesus, free from rejection, freedom in christ, how to be set free, christian rejection, Jesus testimonies,

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