Red Carpet Retirement™

Red Carpet Retirement™

The Top 8 Tax Oversights That CPAs And Their Clients Make (Ep. 6)

January 17, 2023

Taxes are something everyone could save money on by properly implementing tax strategies, but many of those strategies can easily be overlooked.

In this episode, Adam highlights the top 8 tax oversights CPAs and clients make. He explains how these overlooked strategies can save clients tons of money unnecessarily spent on taxes and he emphasizes the importance of having tax returns double-checked by a financial advisor before submitting them.

Adam discusses:

  • What itemized deductions are, but why you may be wasting time and money itemizing.
  • Ensuring charitable contributions are structured correctly to be a tax write-off
  • How to optimize retirement contributions
  • The importance of reducing Medicare tax and how to do it for self-employed business owners.
  • And 4 more tax-saving strategies CPAs often overlook

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