Step 10b: Healing From Co-Dependence

September 14, 2021

“That started to shift my mindset from, ‘What are all the things that I can get from other people to get my worth,’ to ‘How can I attune myself to what God is saying is true about me, and keep doing that, so that I don’t fall back into this codependency pattern?’” Andre Bradford, national slam poet speaker on empathy, shares his story about how he sought his sense of worth in relationships, and yet found himself self-sabotaging in those relationships because he felt he didn’t deserve them. In friendships, he would constantly second guess himself, wondering whether he’d said or done something to offend someone, and cause them to not want to see him anymore. Until Recovery. In the steps, he learned to let go of control, take responsibility for the things he has ownership of, and show up in a confident humility that allowed him to finally experience a happy and successful relationship.