Conversations with Cumberland Heights

Conversations with Cumberland Heights

Re-Aligning Life through Onsite Workshops with Jim Geckler

April 08, 2024

Episode 18:

In this episode, we’re joined by Jim Geckler, Chief Operating Officer of Onsite Workshops. Jim shares insights into the unique programs offered by Onsite, including their milestones program for residential trauma recovery and their experiential workshops, which have been transforming lives for over 40 years. From their trauma outpatient program in Nashville to their intensive healing retreats, Jim sheds light on how Onsite fosters profound personal growth and recovery through extreme hospitality and transformative experiences. Join us as we delve into the heart of recovery and healing with Jim, this episode is an encouraging one!

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​About Our Guest:

Jim Geckler is an industry veteran who brings an impressive background to the Onsite team as our Chief Operating Officer with over 25 years of success in the management and growth of treatment organizations. Most recently, he served as CEO of Harmony Foundation in Colorado.

Over his impressive career, Jim has served as the Director of Patient, Alumni, and Community Relations at Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, Executive Director/COO of Assistance in Recovery, and VP of Business Operations for Addiction Intervention Services. He has a track record of leading with heart and is admired within the space for his character, integrity, and ability to produce results by prioritizing quality services and team culture.

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