AA Recovery Interviews

AA Recovery Interviews

Charlie D. – Sober 24 Years

July 28, 2021

At age 13, Charlie suffered hydrocephalous and underwent the first of 5 brain operations over the next 8 years. By 15, he had begun using alcohol and pot both recreationally and to relieve his head pain. With sports out of the question, Charlie learned guitar and started playing in bands. His alcohol and drug use escalated through high school and college, and ultimately through law school. By the time he passed the bar exam and embarked on his childhood dream of being a lawyer, Charlie had become a functional alcoholic, drinking daily as he chased the goal of winning a multi-million dollar lawsuit. But even after he achieved that goal, Charlie realized that money and acclaim did nothing to fill the spiritual hole in his psyche. In fact, it resulted in him drinking more than ever, seeking relief and release. As years passed, his alcoholism was fueled by a fifth of scotch per day. A failed first marriage, and 3 arrests for DWI, drove Charlie into AA in 1992. But his refusal to do the work, and his resistance to God in the Steps, eventually washed him out of the Program. By the time he dragged back into AA in 1997, after 5 years of increasing drug use and sordid behavior, Charlie had finally had enough. He got a sponsor, started working the Steps, and established a relationship with a power greater than himself.  Regular meetings, sponsoring other men, and doing service work all drew him into the center of the Program where he lives today. A healed relationship with his current wife and children as the result of the Program further solidified his commitment to sobriety above all else.

When you listen to Charlie’s story on today’s AA Recovery Interviews show, you’re sure to hear similarities to your own story. As with all my interviews, Charlie’s willingness to share intimate parts of his life with listeners speaks to his love and concern for recovering alcoholics everywhere. His dedication to the Program and his ongoing desire to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety are radiant in his words and enthusiasm.

So, savor the next 60 minutes of this episode of AA Recovery Interviews with my friend and AA brother, Charlie D.
