Recovering Academic

Recovering Academic

Latest Episodes

Episode 13: Telling Your Transition Story
February 21, 2017

Note: This episode originally had a file error when uploaded. We've corrected it. You can re-download the corrected version now. Thanks for supporting the Recovering Academic Podcast! - In this episode, we discuss how to tell your story of leaving aca...

Episode 12: Overcoming the Fear of Failure
February 07, 2017

Getting over the fear of failure. As academics, we are inherently perfectionists. There's nothing like applying for jobs to bring out those tendencies. In this episode, we discuss our fear of failure, what causes it, and how we got over our fear. -

Episode 12: Overcoming the Fear of Failure
February 07, 2017

Getting over the fear of failure. As academics, we are inherently perfectionists. There's nothing like applying for jobs to bring out those tendencies. In this episode, we discuss our fear of failure, what causes it, and how we got over our fear. -

Episode 11: Twitter for the Recovering Academic
January 24, 2017

In this episode, we discuss how we use Twitter, ways to get involved in twitter, and hashtags. Twitter can be an amazing tool for transitioning out of academia. If you're wondering where we all hang out (virtually), then join Twitter. For us,

Episode 11: Twitter for the Recovering Academic
January 24, 2017

In this episode, we discuss how we use Twitter, ways to get involved in twitter, and hashtags. Twitter can be an amazing tool for transitioning out of academia. If you're wondering where we all hang out (virtually), then join Twitter. For us,

Episode 10: Asking for Help
January 10, 2017

In this episode, we discuss asking for help. There comes a time in the transition process where you may want (or need!) someone's assistance. This comes in many forms: talking to friends, reaching out to your network, finding a career/life coach.

Episode 10: Asking for Help
January 10, 2017

In this episode, we discuss asking for help. There comes a time in the transition process where you may want (or need!) someone's assistance. This comes in many forms: talking to friends, reaching out to your network, finding a career/life coach.

Episode 09: Productivity Through the Transition
December 27, 2016

Making the transition requires you to take on extra work. Work in the form of side work (a new side hustle), informational interviews, going to conferences in your new field, attending workshops, making different versions of your resume, and so on.

Episode 09: Productivity Through the Transition
December 27, 2016

Making the transition requires you to take on extra work. Work in the form of side work (a new side hustle), informational interviews, going to conferences in your new field, attending workshops, making different versions of your resume, and so on.

Episode 08: Is LinkedIn Worth it?
December 13, 2016

What's so great about LinkedIn? In this episode, we discuss our thoughts about LinkedIn. We all know about it as the professional networking site. It has its upsides (at least two of us have received jobs) and its downsides (the somewhat clunky user in...