Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Rationalization - Recovered 1048

December 16, 2019

How often have you sworn off your drug of choice only to pick it up moments or hours later with a new found explanation for doing so? How often have you convinced yourself that your actions were right, even justified, when you knew deep inside that they weren’t? How often have you battled back and forth in your brain between what you should and shouldn’t do until you finally find the excuse that would let you give in? Tonight, we talk about rationalization. Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work. Call Us Now email So, listeners, join us at The 2020 International Convention of AA in Detroit. If you are coming into town for the convention, the Recovered Podcast wants to meet you! If you would like to get all the information regarding the Recovered Podcast at the 2020 International Convention, just email me and we will get you on our google group. Just email me at To get on our 2020 International Convention Google group This google group will be notified with all the Recovered Podcast Plans for the convention and will have all the information about how to find our tailgate party.  Right now, our google group has been provided with maps and general information about Detroit. Email me at if you want these kinds of updates. The addict who is honest will admit that he knows the rationalization game well. Though we saw alcohol was bringing us down, though we suspected we drank more than we should, though we knew we could not stop once we started, we found the reasons, excuses, explanations, and the justifications we needed to rationalize our behavior. In doing so, we slide further down the slippery slope of addiction. As the craving for alcohol and the desire to rationalize a slip wears off, we will start to see the other areas of life in which we tend to employ rationalization for our current selfish behaviors. First thoughts? How did you rationalize your behavior before program? Did anybody believe you? Did you believe you? Did you ever rationalize avoiding sobriety? How did you get over justifying your behavior? What did you rationalize early in program? Was it dangerous to your sobriety? Did you ever tell yourself: I don’t have a problem. I am still in control. I deserve this after the day I’ve had. I’m afraid. Do you use rationalization to justify your behavior today? Why? What character defect is at the heart of rationalization for you? What do you rationalize today? Why do you convince yourself that bad is good? Do you ever convince yourself that good is bad? Why? What is the opposite of rationalization for you? How does rigorous honesty help? Why do we rationalize? What part of the program helps? WE HAVE CALLS Final Thoughts? ______________________________________________________ We asked our listeners about this topic. Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me for an invite request. Email me at And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group. This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey. You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic. Again, just email for your a google group invite. Just email me at T