Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Prayer and Meditation - Recovered 1045

November 27, 2019

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, where the 12-step program is outlined, Step 11 reads: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. If you’re new and these words seem like a tall order, rest assured that, like all the other steps, Step 11 can be practiced at a very basic level to begin with. Tonight, we talk about Prayer and Meditation Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work. Call Us Now email So, listeners, join us at The 2020 International Convention of AA in Detroit. If you are coming into town for the convention, the Recovered Podcast wants to meet you! If you would like to get all the information regarding the Recovered Podcast at the 2020 International Convention, just email me and we will get you on our google group. Just email me at To get on our 2020 International Convention Google group This google group will be notified with all the Recovered Podcast Plans for the convention and will have all the information about how to find our tailgate party.  Right now, our google group has been provided with maps and general information about Detroit. Email me at if you want these kinds of updates. Many of us were perfectionists (or at least highly competitive) before coming into recovery, but the practice of Step 11 is a personal matter that is between the individual and his or her Higher Power, not a competition or another task to cross off the to-do list. If we approach Step 11 as a lifelong relationship rather than a chore, we will understand that all relationships have to begin somewhere…and be willing to put the time and effort into developing a closer bond with our higher self. What first comes to mind, what do you want to say to the new person and prayer and meditation? What do prayer and meditation mean to you? How can prayer and meditation help you with your daily self examination? “There is a direct linkage among self-examination, meditation, and prayer. Taken separately, these practices can bring much relief and benefit. But when they are logically related and interwoven, the result is an unshakable foundation for life.” Page 98 of 12&12 Meditation means trusting the silence around me for a while, as if it were an answer I had long sought. For you, what is the difference between prayer and meditation? "Prayer, as commonly understood, is a petition to God. Having opened our channel as best we can, we try to ask for the right things of which we and others can are in the greatest need." page 102 There’s nothing the matter with constructive imagination; all sound achievement rests on it….Well meditation is like that too; it helps to envision our spiritual objective before we try to move toward it. page 100 "First of all, he wanted to become a "channel."" page 101 “This much could be a fragment of what is called meditation, perhaps our very first attempt at a mood, a flier into the realm of spirit, if you like." page 101 Why do you meditate? “Those of us who have come to make a regular use of prayer would no more do without it than we would refuse air, food, or sunshine. And for the same reason. When we refuse air, light, or food the body suffers. And when we turn away from meditation and prayer, we likewise deprive our minds, our emotions, and ou