Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Complacency in Recovery - Recovered 1028

September 10, 2019

Much like other areas of life, when we first enter recovery, it’s new and exciting. Unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before, living life in sobriety after years spent toiling away in addiction is exhilarating and we strive for more. But what happens after the novelty of recovery wears off? Complacency in recovery is not uncommon but can become dangerous if you let it take control. Tonight, we talk about Complacency in Recovery Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work. Call Us Now email So, listeners, join us at The 2020 International Convention of AA in Detroit. If you are coming into town for the convention, the Recovered Podcast wants to meet you! If you would like to get all the information regarding the Recovered Podcast at the 2020 International Convention, just email me and we will get you on our google group. Just email me at To get on our 2020 International Convention Google group This google group will be notified with all the Recovered Podcast Plans for the convention and will have all the information about how to find our tailgate party.  Right now, our google group has been provided with maps and general information about Detroit. Email me at if you want these kinds of updates. Complacency is insidious; it descends upon us gradually. Before we know it, if we’re not careful, our meeting attendance sharply declines from every day to five times a week, then to once a week, and then finally to one meeting per month. Our daily talks with our sponsors become weekly chats in passing, and our step work begins to collect dust in the corners of our rooms. We begin to encounter familiar feelings of emptiness or desolation. We have become complacent.   We have become prime targets for relapse.   What comes to mind first regarding Complacency in Recovery? What is being complacent to you? What does it look like for you?   What is the difference between being confident and being complacent? For you, what character defect is in affect when you are complacent? What is the opposite of that character defect for you?   How do you know when you are being complacent? Can you tell when someone else is being complacent?   What is the difference between being complacent with your recovery and being satisfied with your recovery?   Why is being complacent bad for you? How is it is dangerous?   How do you fight off complacency? How can the following help? Higher power Steps, which ones Slogans, which ones Service work, what types Meetings Sponsor Sponsees   What would you say to the new guy? ______________________________________________________ We asked our listeners about this topic.   Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me for an invite request.  Email me at And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group.  This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey.  You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic.   Again, just email for your a google group invite. Just email me at To get involved in each week’s show prep.   We asked our listeners,  "How do you fight off complacency?”   Did you take the survey?   https://