Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Celebrating in Recovery - Recovered 1012

July 02, 2019

One of the fears that people have when they give up alcohol or drugs is that a life of sobriety will be boring. Once people spend a bit of time in recovery they realize that this is a complete myth. Sobriety opens up a world of opportunity, and most people complain that there is not enough hours in the day to do all the things they want to do. Tonight, we talk about Celebrating in Recovery Our generous Recovered Podcast Community allows us to be self supporting and not rely on outside contributions.  If you would like to join us, there are three ways. Episode Sponsorship  We will recognize you by first name only at the top, mid, and end of the episode.  Any amount will qualify. Premium Membership  This is the single most effective way to support the show.  Watch the video in its entirety and learn how to become Premium Sustaining Partners  We have three ways in which you can participate in this 12-step mission We invite you to be a partner is this work. Call Us Now Email   In can be hard for those who abuse substances to understand how anyone could celebrate anything without mind-altering substances to help things along. These individuals can later find out that it is not only possible to celebrate without alcohol and drugs, but that it is significantly more rewarding to do so.   How did you celebrate before recovery? What did you celebrate in early recovery? How did you celebrate? What did you learn about yourself? Were you fearful of celebrating in early recovery? How did the program help?   What are difficult places to go sober when you were new? Where are the difficult places today?   How do you have fun today? What sober places do you look forward to most?   What places are fun today that used to be difficult before? Why is having fun in recovery important? How has the program helped?   ______________________________________________________ We asked our listeners about this topic.   Now, listeners, If you would like to participate in these weekly surveys, just email me for an invite request.  Email me at And I will send you an invite to our Recoveredcast Google group.  This group receives the show notes for the upcoming show. You will also receive an invite to participate in the weekly survey.  You will also receive a link to call into the show so you can share you experience with the recovery topic. This group helps us prepare for each week’s topic.   Again, just email for your a google group invite. Just email me at To get involved in each week’s show prep.   We asked our listeners,  "What do you celebrate in recovery”   Did you take the survey?   What would be your answer? ________________________________________________________   What do you celebrate today? How do you do this? How is your fear level of wet places today? How do you prepare? How do you stay safe in wet places of celebration? When you are hosting a party, do you serve alcohol? Do you have an escape plan? Explain how this works for the new person?   How are you celebrating the fourth of July? What is the holiday known here in america as fourth of July?   Sobriety countdown? Campouts? Dances?   How do you celebrate when you don’t want to? How do you celebrate a death?   Reasons to Celebrate in Recovery When people give up alcohol and drugs they already have something to celebrate. The longer they stay sober the more reasons they will have to feel good about life. There will also be plenty of special occasions in sobriety worth celebrating such as:   * Birth of a child * Sobriety birthdays * New job * Passing an exam * Winning an award * Getting a promotion * Getting married * Holidays like Christmas * Recognition for a job well done   Once people escape an addiction, they are sure to have some great days ahead of them. These celebratory times