Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Calling Your Sponsor - Recovered 623

August 18, 2015

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Tonight, let's focus on using the telephone as a tool of recovery with your sponsor.  These days, I could not get along without my iPhone, but I hardly make any phone calls.m  There are so many other ways to communicate.  But especially early on, we are encouraged to make calls, and that is what we will discuss tonight.  Making phone calls and making calls to our sponsor.
where do you want to start?
Kick this topic off
How long have you had your current sponsor?
How often do you communicate (meet, talk, text, tweet, etc.)
How often do you use the telephone?
Do you call on the telephone more often or less often now compared to last year?  Why?
Do you have a set time that you call or do you call as needed?
What situations prompt a sponsor call?
Possible Reasons for Calling

If you are reading the big book or the literature and don’t understand what you’re reading (why not call your sponsor so they can explain it?)

When you are doing step work with a sponsee (or anything to do with sponsees, really).

When you need help with how to react or handle certain situations (when all you really want to do is whatever you want to do).

When you decide to date someone new, depending on your past with relationships (sometimes our pickers are broken).

If you have to start any statement with the question “Is it still lying when…” (call your sponsor, please).

When your friends or family are stressing you out (they can just be so annoying sometimes).

When you feel like getting high or drinking (this one is usually the top reason to call your sponsor).

When you feel that you are feeling too much (so sad and everything hurts).

When you’re trying to make a big decision (your sponsor is usually the best person to help).

After you do your 4th step (you don’t want to sit on all that work) and before you make amends (your sponsor can help keep you grounded).

We Have Calls!
jim q
Jesse From Worster
What was a memorable call you made?
What was the best call you made?
What was the worst call you made?
Do you like using the telephone?
What is good about phone communication?
What is bad about phone communication?