Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Living Life on Life's Terms - Recovered 574

February 10, 2015

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Recovery Topic is

Living Life on Life’s Terms

We are told that if we live life on life’s terms, we have a chance at being happy.

So let’s talk about being happy


Happy before program and 

happy in early recovery

When you were a child, how did you find happiness and comfort in life?


When you were in your addiction, how did you find satisfaction in life?

When life was unfair, how did you react before program?

Early in your program:


where did you find comfort?

how did you cope with life of early sobriety?

One promise is to know a new freedom and new happiness..


What does this mean to you?

The trick to taking Life on it’s own terms is to practice being satisfied.  


That is to accept the reality of what is before you. And do it often.

I would like to hear your thoughts how to practice being satisfied?


Tell us your experience regarding accepting reality.

Is working the steps a way of practicing being satisfied?, How?  Which one?

How does your spiritual life help you to live life on life’s terms?


What slogan helps you live life on life’s terms?

How does your sponsor help you to live life on life’s terms?

We have Calls, want to take some calls?



Rebecca from UK


The skill in seeing reality clearly requires us to be free from ego 


Your thoughts about ego and seeing reality?

What has been your experience with ego and how has this affected your happiness?

What about when life isn’t fair, how do you handle this now that you are in program?


How do you handle unjust situations?

How do you differentiate between acceptance and being a doormat?


How does the serenity prayer work with living life on life’s terms?

How does the Acceptance statement (Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today…) relate to living life on life’s terms?


What would you say to the new guy about Living Life on Life’s terms?