Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Help The Recovered Podcast

November 14, 2016

We have been contacted regarding sponsorship to help with podcasting costs.  The right sponsor could help underwrite our efforts to carry this message of hope to a ever more audience, but we need your help.  To help find the right fit, we need to conduct a demographic survey to better understand who is listening to the show.   Your participation in this demographic survey will help us find the right sponsor.  Your email address will not be sold and I will not spam you.  However, I may contact you from time to time.  After a few weeks, we will randomly select one name from the list of people who participated in the survey.    This winner will receive: 1.  The Novel "Detroit Muscle" by Jeff Vande Zande 2.  The Graphic Novel "3AZ" by Matt O. 3.  A signed Big Book from your truly. 4.  $100 Amazpon Gift card.   We need 250 responses in 2 weeks to be considered.    If you would like to help and take the 7 question survey, just tap   Thank you for your support.