Recoil Radio

Recoil Radio

Recoil Radio Episode 011

October 18, 2015

Recoil Radio Episode 011
Welcome to Recoil Radio Episode 11  (What Prepping Means to Us).  I am your host Daniel and here is my co-host Nate. Our goal is to provide you with weekly updates to all things shooting. Whether it be politics or pistols, freedom or faith we have it covered
What We Did with Guns This Week
Nate- ordered rest of gear for battle belt from High Speed Gear
got some range time in
Dan- Dry Fire
Pelican Long Rifle Case (1750)
Guns In the News
Silencerco to offer integrally suppressed 9mm handgun
New Long Distance Record 3800 yrd shot
Nerf kicks of Adult themed toys
Self-defense Story of the Week
Homeowner shoots 2 robbery
Main Topic
What Prepping Means to Us- September is National Preparedness Month
What is prepping?
Ability to be self reliant when normal life fails- can be if lose a job or can be if society breaks down
creating an evacuation plan or Family Disaster Plan IOT ensure survival (rally point, contingency plans)
what to do in case family is apart
Do we REALLY need to prep?
Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, Ferguson, Baltimore, Haiti
Talk to people in third world countries (or even USA) after natural disaster or war zone- they typically understand the need to be prepared
Has a stigma, but only makes sense- our grandparents did it not that long ago
It doesn’t hurt to be prepared- doesn’t have to be TEOTWAWKI, can be lost job
Heard gov’t doesn’t have grain reserves
What are you prepping for?  EMP, Financial Collapse, Civil Unrest, Natural Disaster?  
Prep for every scenario meaning- What are the bare essentials to live and start there
Rule of Three’s
3 minutes w/out air, 3 hours w/out shelter, 3 days w/out water, 3 weeks w/out food
Countdown to Preparedness- Jim Cobb
Thanks for listening to Recoil Radio Episode 11.  Check us out on Twitter (@therecoilradio), Facebook (Recoil Radio podcast) or our website,
When All Else Fails, Grab a Gun
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