Reclaiming Identity
Educating for Jewish Pride: Ruben Shimonov
Ruben Shimonov is a Jewish educator and community builder of Bukhara heritage. today he is the Director of the American Sephardi Federation's Sephardi House Fellows helping to bring Sephardi culture and education to college campuses across the United States. He is a lecturer and calligrapher who is in demand at venues across the globe. Ruben serves as the Director of the Sephardi-Mizrachi Q Network and the VP of Education and Community Engagement of the ASF Young Leadership Board.
He shares with us here his life growing up in different communities and the importance he sees in educating for culture and heritage.
Interviewer: Dr. Drora Arussy
Producer: Moshe Singer
Executive Producers: Dr. Drora Arussy and Dalya Arussy Di Veroli