Reclaiming Identity

Storytelling and Embracing Identity: Sarah Sassoon
Dalya and Drora speak with Sarah Sassoon, an author and educator about her Iraqi heritage and discovering her family history through her writing.
Sarah Sassoon is an Australian, Iraqi Jewish writer, poet and educator. She is the author of the award winning children’s picture book Shoham’s Bangle and online poetry chapbook This is Why We Don’t Look Back. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and her work has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Lilith, MER, Ruminate and elsewhere. Her forthcoming picture book This is Not a Cholent is forthcoming in 2024 with Kar-Ben Publishing.
Sarah’s writing follows her curiosity exploring her Iraqi Jewish history, the story of refugees and resilience, the rich, layered 2600-year-old culture of Babylonian Jews, with a special interest in Middle Eastern women’s experience.
Sarah currently lives in Jerusalem with her four boys and a Belgian Malinois she found at her local coffeeshop.
For more about Sarah and her writing:
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About the Podcast:
Producer: Moshe Singer
Executive producers: Drora Arussy and Dalya Arussy Di Veroli
Intro music by Vanessa Paloma