Reboot Republic - Rory Hearne by Tortoise Shack Media

Reboot Republic - Rory Hearne by Tortoise Shack Media

347. An Irish Palestinian story: the power of protest

March 22, 2024

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In this Reboot Republic Rory talks with Abdullah Al Bayyari, an Irish born Palestinian doctor working in Galway, who for years has been an activist and advocate for the Palestinian voice in Ireland and his community. He tells his own story of his pride in Ireland's support for Palestine and he outlines the horrendous situation facing his family in Gaza. We discuss the importance and power of continuing to protest in solidarity with Gaza, to provide hope, to change the narrative, to give people a collective connection and giving the leadership so lacking from Governments in demanding an immediate end to the Genocide being committed by Israel to the people of Gaza.
Please join the protest this Saturday March 23rd 1pm at the Garden of Remembrance. Hope to see you there.
Music by Fieldsy
The Generation Gap podcast is out now here:
