Reboot Republic - Rory Hearne by Tortoise Shack Media

Latest Episodes
380. Rebooting Reboot
Please join us at In this Reboot Republic (Reboot) Rory chats with producer Tony about his first few weeks in the Dil, the new government's attempts at stroke politics, the
1373. GE2024 – The Candidates, Rory Hearne
Please join us at I'll be honest, this is not really a candidate interview. There are a couple of mean questions. But it's more touching base with our friend Rory and wishing
374. A Real Housing Solution: Cost Rental Homes
Please join us at In this Reboot Republic, Rory discusses the new (at least new to Ireland) affordable rental housing model: cost rental housing. He talks with authors of the
#2. ‘My Mam Thought I was Mad’ – Sadhbh Coffey Duff
Please join us at In this episode of Sparks Will Fly, Ray is joined by Reboot Republic Host, Rory Hearne to chat with their very special guest, plumbing apprentice, Sadhbh Co
379. The human toll of the war on Lebanon with Sally Hayden
Please join us at In this Podcast Rory and Tony talk with Sally Hayden, Irish journalist and award winning author of My Fourth Time, We Drowned, about the reality of the Isra
378. Labouring Forward with John Harris
Please join us at In this Reboot Republic we talk once more to award winning journalist and podcaster with the Guardian, John Harris about the tensions, achievements and neol
A Green Social Justice Approach for Climate & Inequality
Please join us at In this Reboot Republic podcast, Rory discusses a new approach to addressing both climate and inequality - in changing the narrative and moving towards trans
375. Budget 2025 – Tokenism not Transformational
Please join us on In this Reboot Republic, Rory dissects Budget 2025 with Michael Taft, economist , and Susanne Rogers of Social Justice Ireland and they find more tokenism t
372. Early Childhood Education: A Public Model
Please join us at In this Reboot Republic podcast Rory discusses the crisis in childcare and how a public system of Early Childhood Education and Care would work, with Orla O
373. Factchecking the Taoiseach’s Homelessness Claims
Please join us at n this Reboot Republic, Rory alongside Adam Boyle, Solicitor with the Mercy Law Centre, factcheck Taoiseach Simon Harris' claims that "homelessness numbers