Latest Episodes
REBEL Core Cast 131.0 – Traumatic Arthrotomy
Take Home points: Always suspect an open joint if there is a laceration, regardless of size, the lies over joint CT scan of the affected joint is widely considered to be the standard approach to evalu
REBEL Core Cast 130.0 – Omphalitis
Take Home Points Early diagnosis: erythema and warmth of the skin surrounding the umbilicus isnt normal. Get labs, start abx and get the patient admitted Consult peds surgery on all of these patients
REBEL Core Cast 129.0 – Gastric Lavage
Take Home Points Orogastric lavage may still play an important role in treatment of the overdose patient. Do not perform lavage if the ingestion has limited toxicity at any dose or the ingested dose
REBEL Core Cast 128.0 – Toxic Alcohols
Take Home Points Toxic alcohols generally refer to methanol and ethylene glycol as these substances pose significant metabolic derangement and end-organ damage. Patient who present shortly after inges
REBEL Core Cast 127.0 – Penetrating Neck Injuries
Take Home Points Anticipate anatomically challenging airways and consider early intubation prior to loss of airway anatomy. Skip the zones of the neck and focus on hard signs of vascular (Shock w/o an
REBEL Core Cast 126.0 – Peds Hem Onc Emergencies
Take Home Points Early administration of antibiotics (within 60 min) in patients with fever and neutropenia is life saving. Fever in sickle cell is an emergency and always requires cultures and antibi
REBEL Core Cast 125.0 – Hyperkalemia
Take Home Points Always obtain an EKG in patients with ESRD upon presentation Always obtain an EKG in patients with hyperkalemia as pseudohyperkalemia is the number one cause If the patient with hyper
REBEL Core Cast 124.0 – Hyperinsulinemia Euglycemia Therapy
Take Home Points Management of severe beta-blocker and calcium-channel blocker toxicity should occur in a stepwise fashion: potential gastric decontamination, multiple lines of access, judicious fluid
REBEL Core Cast 123.0 – Posterior Epistaxis
Take Home Points: Posterior epistaxis is a rare, life-threatning presentation. The key is in identifying and rapidly gaining control with a posterior pack or foley catheter. These patients often requi
ANNEXA-1: Andexanet Alfa Associated with Harm in DOAC Reversal
Background: In May of 2018, Andexanet alfa gained accelerated approval by the FDA for the reversal direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) despite a lack of robust evidence for use. The 2022 AHA/ASA guidel