Reasons2Talk - Video
Latest Episodes
No More Pets!
A lot of families love pets and some even have a lot of them. This is why pets don't work with our family!
How We First Met
It's our anniversary, and what way better than to talk about how we first met.
Why We Turned Our Back On Meat
This is why chose to go meatless in our lifestyle. This is not to convict anyone - this is a personal thing between you and God.
Blended Family Transition
Transitioning to a blended family can be difficult and different for every family but communication should be healthy across the board. Tell us how you transitioned or if you have any comments/questions.
One Day At Church Camp
New marriage and pregnancy but Same God. Tyler & Bethany Shinault #centraltriadchurch #familypodcast #relationshipgoals
You Are Loved
Our guest today is Debbie Rhodes, visionary and founder of the Creative Brain Agency. She is introducing something new - The L.A.V.A Project! For more info visit For find out more about the Beamons and what e