Realty Speak

Realty Speak

Episode 028 – COVID-19 Virtual Summit – For the Landlord and Real Estate Professional

April 10, 2020

This episode is the lightly edited audio of a Virtual Summit I moderated on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. The free online event “Virtual Summit for the Landlord and Real Estate Professional of New York City and Beyond - Coronavirus & Your Rental Cash Flow” was produced by the law firm of Kucker Marino Winiarsky & Bittens, LLP.
Live attendees were able to hear and interface with thought leaders in various roles in the real estate industry addressing the pressing topic of what landlords should be expecting in relation to rent payments in the view of the ongoing pandemic and how to financially prepare for a possible significant drop in rental receipts. In additional we answered many questions around the CARES act and the financial resources available to successfully navigate this unparalleled time.