Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE


July 19, 2014

Now I lay me down to sleep.... If I should die before I wake?  I pray the Lord, my soul to take!  Okay, your soul maybe covered?  BUT, what about your earthly body?  Whose got that covered?  YOU?  Or are you leaving it for someone else to make the arrangements?

Having life insurance, pre-paid funeral services and a designated power-of-attorney and executor of estate can make a difficult situation, a somewhat smoother transition for your loved ones.  But on the other hand, not having these things in place can make the same difficult situation; the most stressful and drama-filled time ever.  And possibly setup your loved ones to have some deep resentments towards YOU; as well as one another.

The simple fact is, we all have to leave this world someday.  As the saying goes, "Everyone wants to go to Heaven.  But don't nobody want to die to get there!"  

But does someone else have to pay to, "put you away right?"  I mean your body isn't going to get in the ground on its own!  

Or is your motto, "I Did It My Way!"  Cuz you already know what you want your "home going" to look like.  You even got the guest list secured!

Well as always, REAL TALK LIVE 216, keeps it "REAL!"  We are having REAL TALK about a REAL SITUATION-- DEATH.  Tonight, REAL TALK LIVE 216 is asking the question, ARE YOU READY TO DIE?