Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE


June 21, 2014

Maya Angelou, Barbara Walters, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King. History Makers? Yes! Inspirations? Absolutely! But last time I checked, I can't call any of these people up to ask, "Should I take that job offer?" or "Do you think I'm ready to start my own business?" or "Do you think investing in that company is a good move for me?"

Angelou, Walters, Kennedy and King, were and are all great INSPIRATIONS. BUT, we don't personally know and didn't personally know any of them. They are or were dream people you hope to meet, wished you could have met or hope to be like.

So when the tough life questions come up and you're unsure of your next move, who do you turn to for guidance. Who's the person you bounce your aspirations and far reaching dreams to? Who is your go-to person? For some, its our parents. After all, who knows you better than them? Or who you can trust more? But, what about professionally or spiritually, when your parents just can't help. Who then?

Well, what about a personal mentor? Someone who can guide and advise you in your career and even in your personal life. Yeah, that sounds good. But do I really need a mentor? I'm smart enough to figure things out. And how do I even get one? I can't advertise on Craigslist for that? Or do a google search? Can I?

This Saturday June 28, 2014 2 7:30pm EST, REAL TALK LIVE 216, is putting the topic of mentoring on the floor and having the discussion. REAL TALK LIVE 216 presents,"PAY IT FORWARD: THE POWER & THE GIFT OF MENTORING