Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

The Measure Of A Man: Father's Matter

June 14, 2014

What is a father/daddy?  Is he a protector, a punisher, a provider?  Our hero?  Or is he just a grumpy old man who begrudging gives us money (sometimes). 

I mean who is this man who helped give me life?  And why is he always telling me things i don't want to hear?  Or doing embarrassing things in front of complete strangers (he's not Kevin Hart, dang!)

But you know, he did teach me how to drive (okay, he doesn't know that twice I snuck the car out).  And he did give me the money for my security deposit for my first apartment (okay, he loaned it to me.)

The point is, good, bad or "I never want to lay eyes on him in life."  We all came here with a little help from our fathers. He may not be the one you want; BUT nevertheless... 

So men, if you have helped bring a child into this world, raised a child or you are raising a child right now; you are a FATHER!  And we here at REAL TALK LIVE 216 are saying, "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!" because every boy deserve and needs a Father and every girl needs a Daddy. Feel free to call us and our guests 646-929-0243 and join us in our blogtalk chat room.