Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

Everyone Has A Past But Does It Really Matter?

May 03, 2014

On Saturday May 3rd, 2012 at 7:30pm EST Real Talk Live 216 will be discussing one of the most talk about topics that you have probably shared or heard from with family, friends and that is your PAST. Real Talk Live is posing this question to you and yours and that is "Everyone Has A Past But Does It Really Matter"? Special Studio Guest is Tanya Middleton, a licensed therapist and counselor and Special Call In Guest is Josie Pickens a contributing columinist writer for Ebony Magazine. Ok I get it! This is someone 's personal business and it can get touchy, but wouldn't you want to know if a person had debt that couldn't allow them to purchase a house in Beverly Hills? Or that they had a prison record, been married many times? Or that their father is schezophenic and the mother is bi-polar or how about their family having a alcohol problem? Or that they had 100 sexual partners, some of which they are still friends with? Do you want to know or not? Do you have the right to know or are you overstepping your boundaries? Also what types of information are dealbreakers? Should someone past have an expiration date? When is the right time to have these discussions with a new person Why do I need to disclose what's in my past when it's just that: IN MY PAST? So, tonight on Real Talk Live 216 we're saying, EVERYBODY HAS A PAST. BUT WE'RE ASKING, DOES IT REALLY MATTER?