Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

Single Life vs. Married Life...Are You Satisfied With Your Status? - Apr 12,2014

April 12, 2014

Real Talk Live will be discussing one of the most talk about topics that we constantly talk about and share with family and friends and that is Single Life vs. Married Life. Real Talk Live 216 wants to know are you satisfied with your status? Join us for what we believe will be an exciting show that will inform and open your perception concerning Single vs. Married. Here are some following questions that we will be discussing and posing to our Real Talk Live 216 listening audience. Are single people really happy being single? Are married people really glad they're married? Are all single people miserable and out to make their married counterparts just as miserable as they are? Should or can married people take advice from single people? Are married people just simply boring people who have forgotten how to have fun? Do you need to get rid of your single friends after you get married? Do married people look down on or pity people of a certain age who are single? Do single people need to embrace their single life? Is the statement: You're either married and bored or single with drama true? Who lives longer, single or married people? Join us on Saturday April 9, 2014 @ 7:30pm EST. Chat with us and call in to speak with the hosts (646) 929-0243.