Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

What's Going On With The Black Family?

March 29, 2014

Real Talk Live 216 will be discussing the infrastructure of the Black Family from the past, present and future. When it comes to the Black family where do we begin in rebuilding and stabilizing the black family structure? Can we really rebuild or is it totally a lost? As we start to rebuild the structure of the Black Family what are things that need to be omitted and added, for instance 'black absent father," or "at risk?" Where do we start in uniting and bringing the Black family together instead of tearing it down and ripping it apart? This evening Real Talk Live will create a dialogue within our conscious as to why the Black Family and the community tends to lag behind other cultural groups, population or the published statictics near propaganda created to perpetuate the Black Family decline. Real Talk Live 216 will be discussing the problems of the Black Family while providing solutions.