Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

More Than Resolutions... Set a Goal, Create a Plan & Take Action Masterminding - Jan 05,2014

January 04, 2014

Happy New Year. Real Talk Live 216 is excited to be back for the New Year and inspired to share with you NOT Resolutions we have for the New Year, But attainable and real Goals we plan to accomplish. Joining us on the show will be National Author, Speaker, Coach and founder of the International Mastermind Association Ann McNeill. She will be sharing with you our audience the concept and principles of MasterMinding for success in your life. If you are looking for a real way to grow within certain areas of your life this is a show you should be a part of. We will be focusing on: Spirituality, Family, Health, Financial, Personal, Civic, Education, Business, Career, Creativity and more... What do you want to see happen for you and your family in 2014? Join us as we discuss a real way to set and achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality. Call in or join us in the chatroom.