Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

What's Your Reason For This Holiday Season? - Dec 22,2013

December 21, 2013

It's that's time of the year! The holidays has come and with it all the joys and reasons, but what's your reason for the holiday season? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with the family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of "Mery Christmas" to those who pass us in the streets. .Is this really the reason? The Real Talk Live 216 team will discuss the many list of reasons we have for this holiday season such as wedding planning, reasons to be single and why not to make up with your ex, why you will not gain weight over the holidays to listing and buying a home. Real Talk Live 216 will go in depth and dialogue about the real reason for this holiday season and finally ask Have we taking Christ out of Christmas?