Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

Love and Other Drugs :: The Power, Struggle with Addictions - Nov 17,2013

November 16, 2013

What transcends race, ethnicity, gender, age. socio-economic class and education? ADDICTIONS! It affects everyone and anyone. It destroys families, ruins friendships, ends marriages, and at the end of the day sometime takes lives. This weeks topic is about the stronghold that addictions have over many people. From crack cocaine, alcohol, gambling, sex and more. Many of these start of as bad habits or casual occurrences that quickly that turn into lifelong addictions, that are close to impossible to rid one's self of. We all have known or know of someone battling with this “diseaseâ€. In this show we want to get rid of some stereotypes, take a look at what triggers addictive behavior and find some real solutions and help for those individuals, families and loved ones looking for a way to move beyond. Join the Real Talk Live 216 team as we explore and find help for those suffering with addictions.