Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk LIVE

Real Talk About Relationships: The Beginning . Middle & End - Sep 21,2013

September 21, 2013

We know you have been waiting on this topic and we have to. Let's have a real talk about relationships. We are covering it all or as much as we can in an hour and a half - When your eyes meet - The Spark - Dating - Cheating - Lust . Like and Love - Engaged - A God fearing man and a Praying Woman - Married and Divorced - Married Again - The Single Life - Trying Something and Someone New - What's on your wish list and your rules - Every Gay man you meet does not want you - Dating and Relationships in the LGBT community - Interrcial dating is it still an issue? And more... We are talking about it all, I mean really talking about. Join us via chat room, twitter or facebook and gather up your friends we will be answering questions live. Twitter @realtalklive216 Facebook