Real Talk with Mary Contrary and Starfish

Real Talk with Mary Contrary and Starfish

#22. Mehmet Aydin - Farm Game Fraud

August 25, 2021

This is the story of Mehmet Aydin who created a Farm Game Pyramid Scheme, duping people into believing they were investing in real farms, then he vanished with $80 million.

Who is Mehmet Aydin?

Mehmet Aydin is a 30-year-old male from Turkey. Aydin was raised on a farm, and before his farm game pyramid scheme, was trying to be a rapper. Mehmet’s childhood and youth portrays a boy growing up with poor morals into a young man of questionable character. The Bursa-born Turkish dropped out of a religious high school. His parents were Muslim, and he has one brother. The farm bank fraudster held several short-term jobs including as a waiter and dishwasher at a local cafe. Reports have it that at one point he sold sunglasses which he claimed enabled the user to see people in the nude.

This story uncovers how the Turkish orchestrated perhaps the biggest and most lucrative app-based grift in history. Aydin used a FarmVille spinoff app that duped many into believing that by playing this smartphone game they were investing in real livestock and farms. The game was designed as a pyramid scheme where people would invest money into ‘farms’ for a good return on investment.

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