Real Talk with Mary Contrary and Starfish

Real Talk with Mary Contrary and Starfish

#7. David Hogg – falsely accused of being a Crisis Actor at the Parkland Shooting

January 30, 2021

Hear the story of David Hogg who House Rep Marjory Taylor Greene accused of the conspiracy that he was a Parkland Shooting Crisis Actor.

In 2018, David Hogg was  a 17-year old senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School when a live shooter entered the school and killed 17 people. During the shooting, David and other classmates were shuffled into a closet where he interviewed terrified students. After these videos went public, conspiracy theorists claimed this event was a false flag, and that the left had paid David and his friends to be a Crisis Actor so that they could use the shooting to enact tighter gun laws.


Just recently, reporters found a video of U.S. GA-14 House Representative Marjory Taylor Greene chasing down David in Washington, D.C. in 2019. Marjory was asking David whether he could defend his stance against taking away 2nd amendment rights. Her justification was the conspiracy that he was a crisis actor. Members in the House of Representatives have called on Marjory to resign.