Wisdom, Leadership & Success

Wisdom, Leadership & Success

Latest Episodes

6 – How Practicing Love and Getting Results Will Change Your Life
October 16, 2020

Welcome to the sixth episode in our series on how you can achieve happiness and success in life. - From our earlier episodes, we know that Happiness and success in life come from high-trust, covenant relationships. - In our last episode,

5-Wisdom: Why It’s Critical for Your Success
October 08, 2020

Its simple. Happiness and success come from high-trust, covenant relationships. We know that from our previous blogs-podcasts. - So, what is the best way to develop good relationships? - Just do thre

5-Wisdom: Why It’s Critical for Your Success
October 08, 2020

It’s simple. Happiness and success come from high-trust, covenant relationships. We know that from our previous blogs-podcasts. - So, what is the best way to develop good relationships? - Just do three things: Seek Wisdom Practice Love

Learning From Mistakes: Leadership Lessons From Buckwheat and The Cow
September 22, 2020

I am one of those people who sometimes learns things the hard wayby making mistakes. Many of the best leadership lessons I have learned came while I served as an AV-8B Harrier pilot in the Marine Cor

Learning From Mistakes: Leadership Lessons From Buckwheat and The Cow
September 22, 2020

I am one of those people who sometimes learns things the hard way—by making mistakes. Many of the best leadership lessons I have learned came while I served as an AV-8B Harrier pilot in the Marine Corps. -

4–Seek Wisdom, Practice Love, Get Results: Happiness and Success Part 4
September 17, 2020

In our last blog, we talked about how happiness and fulfillment come from good, high-quality relationships. - In this piece, we'll talk about the three basic ways to understand relationships, and find that covenant relationships give us the best chanc...

4–Seek Wisdom, Practice Love, Get Results: Happiness and Success Part 4
September 17, 2020

In our last blog, we talked about how happiness and fulfillment come from good, high-quality relationships. - In this piece, we'll talk about the three basic ways to understand relationships, and find that covenant relationships give us the best chanc...

How Postmodern Critical Race Theory Will Destroy Your Organization and Our Nation
September 09, 2020

Recent events have put Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the headlines. Companies, government and organizations are engaging CRT without any idea of where it comes from, what it believes or why it is profoundly dangerous. -

How Postmodern Critical Race Theory Will Destroy Your Organization and Our Nation
September 09, 2020

Recent events have put Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the headlines. Companies, government and organizations are engaging CRT without any idea of where it comes from, what it believes or why it is profoundly dangerous. -

3–Seek Wisdom, Practice Love, Get Results: Happiness and Success Part 3
September 08, 2020

HAPPINESS AND RELATIONSHIP We’ve got an 80-year Harvard study that says happiness comes from good relationships. There’s a good reason for that. - As human beings, we are biologically wired for relationship.