Wisdom, Leadership & Success

Wisdom, Leadership & Success

Do This Today and Change Your Life Forever

June 11, 2021

There's something you can start doing right now that will profoundly change your life and the lives of those you love.

It will give you the best chance for happiness and success in life, and it will change the world while you're doing it.

It doesn't cost a nickel. It doesn't require any special gear or a membership.

What can you do that will profoundly change your life?

Seek Every Opportunity to Practice Love

It is simple. Starting right now, go through your day looking for every opportunity to practice love so that it becomes a habit. Part of your character. Part of your very being.

It will make you a better person, a better spouse and parent at home, and a more successful leader at work. It will give you the best chance for happiness and success in life. And you'll change the world while doing it.

If you think that talking about love is too soft or sensitive or touchy feely, then catch up. It is a skill set just like any other. It is measurable, and it is the thing that can have the single biggest impact on every area of your life, especially your work success.

When we think about practicing love, we tend to think it is beneficial because it makes other people feel good. It sets a good example. And gee, if everybody practiced love, wouldn't the world be a better place?

All these are focused on the benefits practicing love brings to other people. When we do something nice for somebody else, we tend to think about it in terms of the impact on them and whether they are grateful for our kindness or not.

Practice Love Because It Makes You Better

All of these are good reasons for practicing love, but there is a better, deeper, more powerful reason to practice love.

Practicing love profoundly changes you, no matter how the other person reacts. When you practice love over and over, it eventually becomes a habit, part of your character, part of your very being. That changes you.

That becomes the foundation for all your relationships in life: the high trust, high performance relationships you want at work and at home; the relationships that bring happiness and success; and the relationships that change the world. And most important, it becomes the foundation for the relationship that you have with yourself.

The key is to go through your day consciously looking for every opportunity you can find to practice love.

Sometimes we talk about doing random acts of kindness and we see news reports about the impact that can have on people's lives.

But think about the tremendous impact you could have on yourself and everyone around you if you started every day consciously looking for every opportunity to practice love for other people.

Go Through Your Day Collecting Wins

It doesn't cost you nickel. It doesn't require any workout gear. You can start doing it right now.

Every time you practice love for another—that is a win. Focus your day on collecting wins.

Look for opportunities to practice love until the search becomes a habit that you carry throughout your day.

What are some ways you can practice love at home with the spouse and kids? You can start by waking up with a great attitude. Find a morning task that your spouse normally does—maybe it's making lunch for the kids—and do it for them. Write your spouse an unexpected love note.

When you are headed to work, you can be courteous driver. Let people in your lane. Don't drive aggressively. Give up the closest parking space or a seat on the train. Hold the door open for people.

One of the most powerful ways to practice love is to actively listen to the people you are talking to. Make them the center of your universe. Offer to help people with things. Give somebody a compliment.