Wisdom, Leadership & Success

Wisdom, Leadership & Success

What is the Meaning of Life?

May 18, 2021

What is the Meaning of Life?

What's the meaning of life? What's your purpose in life?

Some people say there is no meaning to life. Other people say that the meaning of life is whatever you want it to be.

But I think there's a much better answer.

Welcome to Real Talk About Life where we use Covenant Leadership to develop the relationships that bring happiness and success in life, and change the world.

What is Happiness?

What's the meaning of life? What's your purpose in life? The answer is simple: Happiness. Fulfillment. It's that deep sense of contentment or satisfaction you get when you accomplish something big.

Maybe you set a weight loss goal and, after a lot of dieting and a lot of hard work in the gym, you achieved it and you feel good about yourself. That's fulfillment.

Maybe you're going to run a marathon or a 10K and you spend a lot of miles on the road getting ready for it. When you finish that 10K or that marathon, you're totally exhausted. You're totally spent, but you look back on it and you feel good about it. You feel good about yourself—that's fulfillment.

Maybe you're on a sports team that wins a championship, or you are part of a work team that accomplishes a big project. You bond together with your teammates to achieve that and you feel good about it. It's a big achievement. You feel happy. Fulfilled.

Happiness is About Relationships

Most of the time we think of fulfillment or happiness in terms of achievements, something we've accomplished. At a deeper level, happiness is really about relationships.

Think about that. Some of the most fulfilling, happiest times we have, are when we are simply spending time with others—a friend, a child, a spouse, someone we love. It is not that you are doing anything particular. It's just spending time with them.

If fulfillment and happiness have to do with relationships, then what about achieving individual goals like running a marathon or losing weight or quitting smoking? What do those have to do with the relationship?

The answer is that it did involve relationship. You did it in relationship with yourself.

You had to motivate yourself, lead yourself through a difficult challenge, to the achievement. The more difficult the challenge, the happier and more fulfilled you feel. Happiness always involves relationship.

Happiness in Life

Those are all descriptions of happiness and fulfillment in specific situations. What about life?

Happiness in life is when you look back over your whole life and you feel satisfied. Content that you did a good job. You lived a good life.

Happiness is that deep sense of fulfillment of satisfaction that you get when you achieve something big or spend time with another. Happiness often includes achievements. It always involves relationship, happiness in life.

Happiness in life is when you look back over your whole life and you feel content, satisfied, that you did a good job. That you lived a good life.

Want to learn more about how to achieve happiness and success in life, and change our world while doing it? Check out our website for more on Covenant Leadership.