The Real Life Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes
Can You Defend Your Faith? Podcast Ep 22 w/Video
Patrick Annotti talks with Jim Putman about being ready to give an answer or defense for why we believe Jesus is the son of God. We should be confident not only in who God is, but in how we might articulate that to others. - - -
Ever Wonder Why We Pass The Offering Bucket At Church? (Podcast)
In this podcast, Jim Putman and Lance Wigton talk about God's original purpose for tithes and offerings, and why it is important to His Church and His people. "That's why God's design for the churches was that they met together in the temple courts a...
How to Utilize Books for Self-Development and Discipleship - Jim Putman (Podcast)
In this podcast, Jim Putman talks with Lance Wigton about how he utilizes books both for self-study and to coach the people he is discipling. Some of the things they cover are: The Bible is the primary text,
How to Improve Your Listening Skills - Podcast
Real Life Ministries Benevolence Pastor Rex Lettua joins us once again to share some tips for improving our listening skills. Rex comes with a background of years of experience working with our Benevolence team,
Do You Know How To Engage and Connect with the Next Generation? Do you know what DOESN'T work? Podcast
- In this weeks podcast Lance Wigton - Communications Director at Real Life Ministries, interviews guest Gabe Cleave - College and Young Adult Pastor at Real Life Ministries, on the topic of the Next Generation.
Is a Big Church a Bad Thing? Podcast
In this episode of The Real Life Discipleship Podcast - Jim Putman answers the question "Do you think a church can be too big?" This is a topic that comes up often in Real Life Ministries North Idaho location,
How Can You Keep Your Child Safe Online? Learn To Utilize Tech-Wise Parenting (Podcast + Workbook)
- In this episode of The Real Life Discipleship Podcast, Lance Wigton talks with Real Life Staff members, and husband and wife - Chris and Sara Short. Chris has worked with Children's Ministry for 15 years,
Does A Christian Have To Submit To Government Authority? Podcast
In this episode, Jim Putman and Lance Wigton discuss the topic of Government Authority and how we are to respond to it. In the past few years, we have been moving from a culture that for the most part, believed in and protected a specific lifestyle an...
What Happens After We Die? Podcast
In this podcast, Jim Putman and Lance Wigton discuss the topic- "What happens after we die?" Some of the things they touch on are: Is there a Heaven? Is there a Hell? How do we know where we are going?
Small Group vs Bible Class - What's The Difference And Do I Need Both? Podcast
- - In this episode of The Real Life Discipleship podcast, Lance Wigton and Jim Putman discuss Small Groups and Bible Classes - some of the things they cover are: Isn't a small group the same thing as a Bible class?