The Real Life Discipleship Podcast

Managing Your Emotions - Podcast Ep 24 Jim Putman
Spiritual Maturity is the destination of the road we travel as disciples of Jesus, and a person growing in spiritual maturity needs to develop the ability to control his emotions. Jesus' method of Relational Discipleship is hinged on our ability to make and maintain relationships. When we allow ourselves to be controlled and steered by our emotions, it is inviting opportunities for our relationships to be strained and offences to build.
Real Life Ministries is currently in a sermon series titled "You're Not The Boss Of Me - Learning to say no to the emotions that control you." I kicked it off with the first sermon - Undercover Boss - last weekend. I never seem to have the time to unwrap all the things I want to say during the time allotted for the sermon. Because this is such an important topic, I decided to dig into it deeper on our Real Life Discipleship Podcast.
Let me know what you think!
Click here to watch the sermon: You're Not The Boss Of Me
Click here to download the emotion graphic: Emotion Graphic