The Real Life Discipleship Podcast

The Real Life Discipleship Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Lord's Prayer Part Five: Podcast with Keith Strasburger
November 02, 2020

In part five of The Lord’s Prayer podcast, Lance Wigton and Keith Strasburger are back to share insights from the third line of the prayer that Jesus gave his disciples when they asked him how to pray. They are talking about “Forgive us our sins,

The Lord's Prayer Part Four: Podcast with Keith Strasburger
November 02, 2020

In part four of The Lord’s Prayer podcast, Lance Wigton and Keith Strasburger are back to share insights from the third line of the prayer that Jesus gave his disciples when they asked him how to pray. They are talking about “Give us this day our daily...

Why Should We Fast? Podcast Ep 31 - Jim Putman
September 30, 2020

Lance Wigton, Communications Director at Real Life Ministries is back again talking with Jim Putman, Senior Pastor of Real Life Ministries, about the discipline of fasting and what it means to a disciple of Jesus.

Waking up from the American Dream: Podcast Ep 30 - Jim Putman
September 19, 2020

  -   - Jim Putman is back from his summer break, and he is talking today with Lance Wigton about some of the things he learned in his time away. Their discussion includes the topic of how a disciple of Jesus should respond to the crises and ...

The Lord's Prayer Part Three: Podcast with Keith Strasburger
July 24, 2020

  In part three of The Lord’s Prayer podcast, Lance Wigton and Keith Strasburger are back to share insights from the third line of the prayer that Jesus gave his disciples when they asked him how to pray. They are talking about “Your kingdom come,

The Lord's Prayer Part Two: Podcast with Keith Strasburger
July 07, 2020

Welcome to part two of The Lord's Prayer podcast. Lance Wigton and Keith Strasburger are back to share insights from the second line of the prayer that Jesus gave his disciples when they asked him how to pray.

The Lord's Prayer Part One : Podcast with Keith Strasburger
July 02, 2020

Join Lance Wigton, Communications Director and Keith Strasburger, Pastor at Real Life Ministries as they talk through the Lord's Prayer. In this session they are unpacking the first part of the prayer - Our Father who is in Heaven.

How Should We Respond In Times Of Crisis? Podcast Ep. 25
June 02, 2020 The year 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride for most of us across America. From the Covid19 pandemic, to nationwide rioting in the streets,

Managing Your Emotions - Podcast Ep 24 Jim Putman
January 08, 2020

Spiritual Maturity is the destination of the road we travel as disciples of Jesus, and a person growing in spiritual maturity needs to develop the ability to control his emotions. Jesus' method of Relational Discipleship is hinged on our ability to mak...

The Bonhoeffer Show – Bill Hull Interview with Jim Putman – Podcast The Bonhoeffer Show - Bill Hull interviews Jim Putman
January 02, 2020

Bill Hull, host of The Bonhoeffer Show Podcast, interviews Jim Putman about his story - and how a National championship wrestler who had turned his back on God, became a world wide disciple making leader-