Real Kyper at Noon

Latest Episodes
Real Kyper at Noon EP.139- Congrats to the Back-to-Back Stanley Cup Champions + Goodbyes for Now
It's Real Kyper at Noon, and WE ARE LIVE with Episode 139, as Nick Kypreos is back LIVE with Doug Maclean to recap the latest action across the NHL!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement Twitte
Real Kyper at Noon EP.138- Habs Steal Game 4... Can They Extend the Series?
It's Real Kyper at Noon, and WE ARE LIVE with Episode 138, as Nick Kypreos is back LIVE with Doug Maclean to recap the latest action across the NHL!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement Twitte
Real Kyper at Noon EP.137- Game 4 | Not Looking Good for the Habs
It's Real Kyper at Noon, and WE ARE LIVE with Episode 137, as Nick Kypreos is back LIVE with Doug Maclean to recap the latest action across the NHL!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement Twitte
Real Kyper at Noon EP.136- Montreal Has to Play a Perfect Game to Win Game 3
It's Real Kyper at Noon, and WE ARE LIVE with Episode 136, as Nick Kypreos is back LIVE with Doug Maclean to recap the latest action across the NHL!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement Twitte
Real Kyper at Noon EP.135- Can the Habs Rebound in Game 2?
It's Real Kyper at Noon, and WE ARE LIVE with Episode 135, as Nick Kypreos is back LIVE with Doug Maclean to recap the latest action across the NHL!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement Twitte
Kyper & Mac -- Stanley Cup Finals Predictions
It's Real Kyper at Noon, on the road, as Nick Kypreos is back with Doug Maclean to recap the latest action across the NHL and Stanley Cup Finals!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement TwitterP
Real Kyper at Noon EP.134- Vegas Pays the Ultimate Price
It's Real Kyper at Noon Episode 134 and Nick Kypreos and Doug Maclean return to the program to catch up on the NHL Playoffs!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement TwitterPurchase your copy of
Real Kyper at Noon EP.133- Habs One Win Away From the Stanley Cup Final
It's Real Kyper at Noon Episode 133 and Nick Kypreos and Doug Maclean return to the program to catch up on the NHL Playoffs!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement TwitterPurchase your copy of
Real Kyper at Noon EP.132- Officiating in the NHL Playoffs
It's Real Kyper at Noon Episode 132 and Nick Kypreos and Doug Maclean return to the program to catch up on the NHL Playoffs!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement TwitterPurchase your copy of
Real Kyper at Noon EP.131- How Far Can Brayden Point Take This Goal Scoring Run?
It's Real Kyper at Noon Episode 131 and Nick Kypreos and Doug Maclean return to the program to catch up on the NHL Playoffs!SUBSCRIBE to our channelFind us on all major podcast platforms!CONNECT WITH US! Line Movement TwitterPurchase your copy of