Real Food. Real Conversations.

Real Food. Real Conversations.

The Food and Exercise Connection

July 22, 2020

Food and exercise can be approached in the same way, living in the moment and not taking an all or nothing approach. Balance in both areas is key to health!

Most of us live in a world where all or nothing surrounds us. But learning to live in the moment and finding balance in all we do can help us gain the overall health we strive for.

Not Always Pushing to the Max

I have always been a push to the most effort possible type of person, but eventually that caught up to me and I needed to learn to take a step back. This is when I discovered how yoga could help.

While many may think yoga is not a hard kind of workout, it actually is very challenging when done correctly. However the difference with yoga is that it teaches you to learn when your body needs pushing and when it needs you to take a step back.

Yoga is a great way to learn to live in the moment as it gives you practice inside the studio. The practice is centered around listening to your body and giving it what it needs at that moment. Not what you think it can do or what you usually do.

When we do this, we actually gain strength long term. Unlike when we are always pushing and eventually crash and burn. I have found that ever since I started listening to my body I have started to get stronger, more flexible and can do things I never thought I'd be able to.

The same goes with our diet. The perfect health comes when both your body and mind find a place of balance.

The balance in what we eat

Much like living in the moment with movement, it's also important to find the grey happy place with food.

Listening and honoring your body with what it is craving helps give you what you need. Like I always say, sometime we eat to fuel our body and sometimes we eat to fuel our mind.

There is no rule when it comes to what you want to eat and when. Even though many things out there may make you think otherwise, you can and are allowed to choose the way you eat and it doesn't not have to be one specific diet all of the time.

There are seasons we go through and that is ok. Keeping true to what we crave help us connect more to our inner selves and is the healthiest option for our body and mind long term.

The Importance of Movement

Movement is so good for us. It gets our blood flowing. It releases endorphins. It helps us maintain focus and be productive. But movement is a continuum, and it doesn't need to be hard core any or all of the time.

Starting somewhere is better than not moving at all. Even if it's a short walk outside, that is a start. Like with anything, you need to focus on your end goal, your why. Why do you want to include movement in your life?

For me it's overall health, both mental and physical. So when I have those days when I need to slow down, honoring that without guilt helps me meet my goal.

Listening to your body is super important. We are conditioned by life to constantly be pushing ourselves and we have lost touch with what we each need individually.

Social media shows the perfect picture and not the messy parts. So when we use it to guide our life, we make decisions based on a false reality.

If you're looking for the ways I keep myself grounded and living in the moment, make sure to download my tips guide. And remember, comparison is a thief. Focus on you and the chapter you are in!